Monday, May 24, 2010

Robbie Heidinger

I love these cups..they are so very beautiful to look at! All the elements seem so well balanced..the lines, the textures, the colors that were added, all fit together so wonderfully!! I would love to be able to serve guests drinks in these, what show off items they would be! I bet they are expensive!I would love the first cup of coffee of the day to be in one of these! I would just ponder what the person is like who made them..must be a thoughtful person, for who else would put so much into a cup?

1 comment:

  1. Functional ceramics are quite unique in this way in that if well done can elevate a seemingly mundane thing (like eating and drinking) to an aesthetic act. Functional ceramics can be quite accessible in this regard and has a lot of unique characteristics to explore in this genre. Cups can be an extremely challenging objects to make in that they are the most intimate ceramic forms and are quite small in scale so they need to be really good in order to capture and hold attention and they need to function well too.
